
Dispute 'common sense'!

Do you think really that the meaning of an utterance or text is what speaker had in mind? Is writing an expression whose truth lies elsewhere, in an experience or a state o affairs which it expresses? Is reality what is present at a given moment?

As a critique of common sense and exploration of alternative conceptions, theory involves the unsettling of anything that might have been taken for granted: What is meaning? What is an author? What is it to read? What is the 'I' or subject who writes, reads, or acts? How do texts relate to the circumstances in which they are produced?

Tomado en Literary theory: A Very Short Introduction(1997) de Jonathan Culler.

Eso es mi trabajo, o sea lo que tengo que hacer.
Hacer preguntas a todo lo establecido.
Pero lo que hago ahora es... vivir sin pensar.
Lo que necesito en este momento es un estímulo fuerte para despertar a mi alma.